Monday, June 1, 2009

In Thanks and Recognition of Local Schools.

As this school year is quickly coming to a close, AMEN will present a certificate of recognition and thanks at end of year ceremonies to seven elementary and junior high schools that participated in mini-walks to Help the Homeless on be-half AMEN. These events are sponsored by Fannie Mae.
Over 3500 students participated and more than $50,000 was raised. Out-standing job, students!
Listed below are the schools that were part of the fall 2008 program:

GUNSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL: This was the second year that Gunston has sponsored a mini-walk for both AMEN and A-SPAN. Over 400 students participated in the November 6 mini-walk and assembly that followed in the Gunston gymnasium.
The Gunston cheerleaders cheered the walkers on and the Gunston Jazz Band played as the students filed through the gymnasium to walk out-of-doors.

SWANSON MIDDLE SCHOOL: The Swanson Middle School Pep Band in their 2008 HTH tee-shirts marched and played in two of the elementary school, Glebe and McKinley, mini-walks.
WILLIAMSBURG MIDDLE SCHOOL: Approximately 900 students walked in this school HTH mini-walk on November 6, 2008. The PE teachers talked about homelessness each day, and collected registration forms from students.
A banner was made by students, for each grade level, which students carried. Other students carried an AMEN banner. The principal, along with the assistant principals, all wearing their T-shirts, cheered the students on.

GLEBE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Held their second annual Help the Homeless mini-walk on October 31 along with their school wide Halloween parade.
The student body of some 450 walked; as did numerous faculty and parents.
The Swanson Middle School Pep Band arrived by bus to play several musical selections just before the walk began.

F.S.KEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: The school organized the day for all students to be attending PE so that they could participate in the walk.
The music teacher, Ms. Jenkins, taught the kids a cheer that they repeated on the walk. The cheer was “Walking for the homeless, yeah, yeah, YEAH!” The kids loved it!
Key walks for three organizations: AMEN, Doorways, and the VOA Residential Program Center.
MCKINELY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: November 3, 386 students, staff, and parents started their morning walk off with the help of Swanson Pep Band playing music that would get the group into high gear for their mini-walk to Help the Homeless.
TAYLOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: On October 31, Taylor Elementary School held its annual Help the Homeless mini-walk.

The walk coincided with the school-wide Halloween parade, so the entire student body of 600+ walked, as did numerous faculty and parents.

AMEN shared Taylor “proceeds” with the Arlington-Alexandria Coalition for the Homeless/AACH.

What a wonderful experience for the children to be involved in and for them to understand that their time and efforts could help keep a family in their community from being homeless. Youth homelessness is disturbingly common. Researchers estimate 5 to 7.7% of youth, nationally, experience homelessness each year. (these facts came from the National Alliance to End Homelessness)

So here's a BIG 'Thank you' to students, facility, and parents for helping make AMEN’s Fall 2008 Help the Homeless mini-walks such a successful campaign!